Christmas Collection

I kit di Eterea Cosmesi Naturale nascono per stupire chi ami e regalare emozionanti coccole di bellezza. Cofanetti unici e dal design accattivante caratterizzati da varie combinazioni di prodotti tra le linee di punta, che soddisfano diverse esigenze regalando una vera e propria esperienza regalo.
We found 11 products available for you
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+ 37 pt. Eterea Lovers
HANDS RIGHT NOW, represents a complete ritual to take care of hands and nails. It contains a limited edition cuticle and nail oil, our hand cream, hand and nail balm and two cotton gloves. The lat...
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+ 84 pt. Eterea Lovers
TIME AT HOME, contains four new limited edition products plus a best seller: the Sleeping mask, which for the occasion will be in a sparkling gold dress. The four new products in the kit are: a r...
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Discounted price
+ 25 pt. Eterea Lovers
The Eterea Cosmesi Naturale Gift Card is a virtual gift voucher of various amounts. How does it work? Choose the Gift Card from our shop and select the desired amount, fill in the required...

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